When you have an auto insurance policy and a home insurance policy, you may feel that you have enough insurance to protect your assets. However, this may not be true. When an accident is expensive, you may find that you have less coverage than you thought you did. That’s why you may need to get umbrella insurance. It’s a way to make up for the shortcomings of your other policies. When you’re in the market for umbrella insurance, you can call us at Surety Ins Inc. in Alabama.
More Liability Coverage
Your home and auto policies both have various types of coverage in them, and one of these is liability coverage. This pays for someone else’s expenses when they’ve had an accident for which you’re liable. With home insurance, this is coverage in case someone has an accident on your property. With auto insurance, it’s coverage that pays for someone who gets into an accident with your vehicle. The problem is that these policies generally don’t have much liability coverage. That makes it necessary for many people to get umbrella insurance. This adds more liability coverage to both of those other policies simultaneously.
How It Works
When an accident happens, the first step is for auto or home insurance to come in and pay what it can toward the accident. However, this may not be enough in the case of an expensive accident. That’s when umbrella insurance steps in. The umbrella policy will pay for the overages, so you won’t owe them. This keeps you better protected against serious accidents.
Get Alabama Umbrella Insurance Today
When you want to get started with an umbrella insurance policy, we’re here to help. Just contact us at Surety Ins Inc. in Alabama to find out more about these policies.